terça-feira, 29 de julho de 2008

Are we nuts?

Are we nuts, Oh Lord?

Masters of clowns
They all trick us
With their cloth of
Invisible deception.

Lambs of the Lord
Lord of lambs
We must revise our position
If want to stay alive.

Ascension to the catacombs
To places unseen
The things we’re not aware
Are the ones who going to kill
Our soul of lambs.

Lambs of the Lord
Lord of lambs
We must revise our position
If want to stay alive.

We gave away our freedom
We deliver the doomsday
To our own kind
They must come down
If want to stay alive.

Lambs of the Lord
Lord of lambs
We must revise our position
If want to survive.

Take down hard and fast
Assume the positions of strength
Make a block and not pass
Our rights to those who do not fight
If want to stay alive.

Lambs of the Lord
Lord of lambs
We must revise our position
If want to survive.

Dress the wolf’s vest
Don’t be the lamb forever
Other wise we’ll be gone soon
And not stay alive.
The Worshipers

As we drift through the jungle of wisdom
Life is a mingle of feelings
Connecting us all to mother earth
As we never suspect possible.

Settling our hearts is a kingdom
Unknown and hidden to men
A lost place where we are free
Mind and soul united and revised.

Digging with bare fingers
Beings crawl on their knees
No longer matter if are mater
Because sold souls don’t pay fees.

Settling our hearts is a kingdom
Unknown and hidden to men
A lost place where we are free
Mind and soul united and revised.

We go under
To the place of red eternal
Hoping to be found and dragged out
Of this quietness solitude burning
Our inner beats subsisting yet.

Settling our hearts is a kingdom
Unknown and hidden to men
A lost place where we are free
Mind and soul united and revised.

The vampires keep coming
Not to make us like them
But to suck the life out of us
Draining the flesh to the bones.

Settling our hearts is a kingdom
Unknown and hidden to men
A lost place where we are free
Mind and soul united and revised.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Man is a well of contradictions ...